Events & Reunions | Woodhouse Grove School

The Old Grovian Reunions that are organised over the year are always very well attended and often very lively affairs!

Throughout the year, we host a variety of events including lunches, drinks, a golf day, sports fixtures and a networking evening. Each December, we hold a Leavers’ reunion for our newest Old Grovians, who are invited to return to school to catch up with friends. We hope to get together again soon. Watch this space for reunion updates.

Upcoming Old Grovian Events 

2023 Leavers’ Reunion

To be rescheduled due to lack of ticket requests.

Old Grovian Drinks in Leeds – date to be confirmed

Whether you regularly come back to our reunions or haven’t been back to the school since the day you left, we would love to see you at one of our events.  All our events are very informal and whether you come on your own, or with a group of friends from school, we are sure you will have a great time.

We will be in touch again soon with more details on our ‘Grovian Annual Fund’ and our Events Calendar. In the meantime, please follow our Facebook page – Old Grovian Association – for up-to-date information on the school and the Foundation.

Old Grovian Family Fun Day  2024

Old Grovian Sunday began with a touching Chapel service led by Reverend Drost, followed by a delightful leavers’ lunch, live music, and bouncy castles for families to enjoy.

The day saw many Old Grovians returning for the Family Funday, where they relived cherished memories while participating in OG Tennis and Cricket matches. The OG Cricket team had their experience on their side, letting them take the win. There was fantastic tennis played by a mixture of pupils, OGs, teachers and leavers’ parents. Two leavers’ took the win in the doubles tournaments, and they were closely followed by an Old Grovian and Teacher pair. 

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who joined us in these celebrations. To our leavers, many of whom have been with us since Ashdown Lodge, we wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Remember, you are an individual, but you are part of something incredible. You are Grovian.

Old Grovian Golf Day 2024

Wow, what a day! Thank you to everyone who attended the OG Golf Day on Sunday 19th May, we were delighted with our largest turnout to date! 52 Old Grovians who’s age range exceeded 5 decades really highlighted the strong bond that connects everyone who has been a part of our school community.

There was some incredible golf throughout the day, but there must be a special mention to Jeremy Clayton who got a hole in one, making his travel from Swansea even more worth it!

We hope everyone who attended had a fantastic day in the sunshine with old friends and we look forward to next year!


The London Reunion 2024

It was so great to see so many Old Grovians of different ages attend The London Reunion on 18th April. It was particularly nice to have some ‘young ones’ attend and we hope that next year we can grow this event. We had around 30 attendees ageing from 22- 89!

Thank you to everyone who attended, we had a blast and we look forward to next year!

Remembrance Service and OG Autumn Reunion 2023

Remembrance Service

Remembrance Sunday is an opportunity where the school takes time and space to honour those who served and lost their lives in the Great War and the 2nd World War, whilst at the same time wishing for World Leaders to actively strive for Peace. We were particularly aware this year, of current conflicts around the world – those where nations are in dispute with neighbours and for those countries who have internal conflicts.

As well as laying wreaths for these 2 conflicts, we listened to the names of past Grove Pupils and Staff who have died in the last 12 months, read by incoming Old Grovian Chair, Mr Tony Zammit. This year, we were particularly mindful of losing our friend and teaching colleague, Mr Andrew Crawford, who died over the summer, having spent his whole teaching career of 32 years at WGS.

Head Prefect Callum Hyland Dugbo and outgoing Old Grovian Chair, Mr Cadman shared our Bible readings, which spoke of peace and a change in how we see ‘our enemies’, whilst Head Prefect Lucy Lund led the intercession prayers. The Chaplain reminded us of the whole story of why we have a National Memorial in Westminster Abbey, dedicated to the ‘Unknown Warrior’, where the UK is just one of over 60 nations who have similar memorials, “Lest we forget.”

Sunday Afternoon saw some of our school Brass band, led by Mr Tedd, alongside the Chaplain, help the Rev Rachel Ford, new Vicar at St Peter’s, lead the Rawdon Remembrance Service alongside the Lord Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, local MP’s and Councillors, Uniformed Groups and Emergency Services, who all laid wreaths.

Rev. Drost, school chaplain.


The 2023 Old Grovians Netball team welcomed back a former 1st VII Captain, Laura Myers, as well as many other 1st and 2nd team members including: Isla Swarbrigg, Isabelle Teale, Rebecca Munro, Charlotte Slater, Molly Leslie, Clare Humphreys, Brooke Donkersley, Laura Myers, Annie Isles, Emma Ambler and Alice Berkey. The school’s 2nd VII faced a difficult match with many of the OG players still active with their club or university teams. The first half of the game was strongly dominated by the OG team; however, the 2nd team fought fiercely to bring the score to a more even playing field in the third quarter. The game looked even more promising for the 2nd team at the start of the final quarter; however, the Old Grovians’ experience shined through with a series of clean interceptions across the court, which were converted by their fantastic shooting. Whilst the final score of the game was 36-29 in favour of the Old Grovians, the 2nd team should be incredibly proud of their performance as their cohesion was undeniable. The players of the match, chosen by Georgie Thompson (Head of Netball) and Katy Curtis (Head of Academic PE) were two OGs, Isabelle Teale and Emma Ambler, who displayed a fantastic performance throughout the game, helping secure the win for the OGs! Well done girls.


On a rather wet afternoon the Old Grovians played a touch and pass fixture against a staff team. The staff team started off well taking the lead by scoring he first try. However, the younger legs eventually told, and the Old Grovians started to dominate the game through a combination of speed and superior fitness.  There was some great skill on show from both sides and some excellent tries scored

Last year’s Touch & Pass format was a great success and it was a little disappointing not to have more teams join us this year. Those who had a run out this year thoroughly enjoyed themselves and even this nearly aged player who is close to 50 than 40, enjoyed the event. I hope we can increase the numbers next year as it really good fun!

A.M. Cadman OGA Chair 2022-23 (87-94 & St 2001- )


It was fantastic to welcome back four Old Grovians to play in the OG squash match against our current students. The OG team comprised of more recent leavers, such as James Shoesmith-Evans, Finlay Wilkinson and Robert Mitchell as well as Russell Payne who left The Grove in the 90s. The school team consisted of Naomi, Callum and Hritik who are all in their final year at The Grove.

The format of the match involved the two teams playing the best of three games with the opposing side, resulting in a total of 17 games and 8 matches being played. The Old Grovians took the victory – 14-3/7-1, however, the WGS side demonstrated a strong performance against three experienced players.

It was fantastic to see that the Old Grovians have continued to play squash at a high standard at their university or in their local area, giving their own tips and tricks to the school players. It was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon and we would like to thank everyone who showed up to play and support. We look forward to the rematch next year!

Old Grovian Tour Reunion Dinner

On Saturday 11th November it was fantastic to welcome over 100 Old Grovians, former staff and current staff to a Tour Reunion Dinner. The event was meant to be an informal affair where old friends could catch up and reminisce on tour stories and stories from school days. I think it achieved this aim. We had representation from across the decades with members of the 1987 Zimbabwe tour – the first major overseas tour – through to the 2015 South Africa Rugby tour. As Chair I was pleased to say a few words and lead the attendees in a Heads and Tails game based on some tour stories. Congratulations to Jen Peachey (nee Best) who won!

I must record my thanks to the Woodhouse Grove staff team who made this event possible. To Franco Careleo, Shirley O’Boyle and Kevin Grant and the rest of the catering Team, to Hannah Boggie our events manager and to Sam Cadman for liaising with table organisers and providing some fantastic archive material for the tourists to enjoy.

A.M. Cadman OGA Chair 2022-23 (87-94 & St 2001- )

Old Grovian Golf Day

On Sunday 7th May, the Old Grovian Association held a Golf Day at Bradford Golf Club. The event was very well attended with around 40 Old Grovians, a handful of WGS staff and a couple of guests making up the 4-balls.

11 Teams took to the course in glorious sunshine, having enjoyed a bacon butty and a drink prior to starting their rounds. Despite it being relatively early in the season, the course was in good condition and was enjoyed by all who played.

Playing a 4-ball better ball Stableford format with two scores to count on each hole, the teams’ scores ranged from 73 points to the winning total of 92.  The top three teams were as follows;

1st placed team – 92 Points – Joe Bedford (OG & Staff), Chris Softley (Staff), Matthew Dawson (Staff) & Gethin Clarke (Guest)

2nd placed team – 87 Points – Dan Nulty, Oliver Coughlan, Ben Rhodes & James (Foggy) Phillips

3rd Placed Team – 85 points – Will Coker, Andrew Percy, Ian Lawson & Richard Widdop

Prizes were also awarded for the following

Nearest the Pin – Martyn Bray

Nearest the pin in two – David Webster

Longest Drive – Stuart Henshaw (Guest)

The best individual performers on the day were Oliver Coughlan and Oliver Musgrave who both amassed an impressive 40 points.

Post-round refreshments were enjoyed on the fabulous terrace followed by a meal and the prizes being awarded. It was lovely for some familiar faces to pop in and join us for a drink after the golf, adding to the atmosphere of a terrific day.

I would like to record my thanks to George Grant (OG) Golf Operations Manager at Bradford Golf Club who helped arrange the event. Additional thanks go to the team captains for getting their groups together and to Ben Brown for contributing some items for our prize table.

I do hope that this event can become an annual occurrence, and it would be fantastic to see this grow in size. To any Old Grovian golfers out there; watch out for the details of next year’s event!

Anthony Cadman, Chairman of the OGA

Remembrance Service and OG Autumn Reunion 2022

On Sunday, November 13th, we held our Annual Remembrance service and the Autumn Old Grovians Reunion. The day began with a Chapel service in the morning that was both contemplative and reflective. In the afternoon, there were sports games featuring WGS and Old Grovians teams, as well as other events for those in attendance. Overall, it was a day of reflection, camaraderie, and athletic competition. Below are the sports reports from the day as well as a summary of the morning’s Chapel service by Rev. Drost.


What a joy it was to be able to gather as a fuller community this year for our annual Remembrance Sunday Service in Chapel. The school choir led our hymn singing, under the guidance of Mr Tedd and Mr Crawford, as well as giving us two moving pieces by Henry and Malcolm Archer. Head Prefect, Will Wood, read from the Prophet Micah (Micah 4. 1-4), who challenged the Arms Traders of his time, to transform weapons of war into tools to feed the hungry. We also heard Matthew 5. 1-12, the “Sermon on the Mount” where the Beatitudes challenge us to live our lives in the service of others, especially seeking to be peacekeepers. The Chaplain offered an extra set of Beatitudes and encouraged the many pupils present, to live them out alongside our school values.

The Headmaster led our Act of Remembrance, where wreaths were hung from the Honour Boards which led us to the sacred time of our Roll of Honour, remembering those connected to school who have passed away in the last twelve months, read by Mr Anthony Cadman, our Chair-Elect.

Head Prefect, Isla Swarbrigg led our intercession prayers, remembering all who are caught up in conflict and violence, before we finished with the school hymn, Xaipete. – Rev. Drost (st21-)



We were joined by over 40 Old Grovians for the Touch Rugby 7’s tournament. Four teams of leavers; Morgan (17), Worthington (22), Anderson (21) and staff all entered teams into the tournament and much fun was had, despite it being a bit overly competitive at times! Team Worthington won the competition with 3 wins and Mr Barr was awarded the Scott Eastwood-Smith fair play award for his suggestion to run the Ruby reunion in this format. We really hope that next year we can encourage even more old boys to put on their boots and take part. It was great to see everyone back together and to share some refreshments afterwards. – Joe Bedford, Head of Rugby (st13-)



It was excellent to welcome back 10 Old Grovians to play in the OG squash match against our current students. The OG team comprised of recent leavers to Old Grovians that left in the 90s and the student team included students from Year 8 all the way through to Year 13.

The format of the match involved the two teams being seeded and each player playing 2 matches against equivalent seeds. The matches were best of 3 games and each game was played to 7 points. A total of 47 games/20 matches were played and the score ended in a convincing victory for the Old Grovians – 10-37/2-18. Following the match, it was great to see the Old Grovians stepping back on court to play against each other and it is clear that many are continuing to play to a high level either at university or in their local area. A thoroughly enjoyable afternoon of squash and a great experience for our current students. We look forward to the rematch next year! – Chris Softley, Director of Sixth Form (st14-)



The 2022 Old Grovians Netball team was made up of three former Head Prefects: Lucy Worstenholme, Katie Mortlock, and Esther Bean, and two ex-1st VII Captains: Lucy Worstenholme and Kirsty Thomson. Additionally, the team welcomed back Daisy Culyer, Teah Colilles, Clare Humphreys, Natasha Whitcombe, and Josie Baker, forming a formidable lineup for the Old Grovians side. The school’s 2nd VII faced a difficult match with many of the OG players still active with their club or university teams. The first half was closely contested, with the Old Grovians leading by 8, their defence preventing the WGS team, from getting the ball into a shooting position. The Old Grovians’ experience showed in their clean interceptions across the court, which were converted by Clare and Lucy. Unfortunately, the second half was one-sided, but the WGS team fought until the final whistle. The match provided a valuable challenge for the 2nd VII and it was great to see so many recent leavers returning to the team. The final score was 15-38 in favour of the Old Grovians.  - Georgie Thompson, Head of Netball (st15-)

If you would like to be considered for selection for any of the Old Grovian sports teams and are unsure who to contact, please email

OLD GROVIAN WEEKEND – 9-10th November 2019

We were delighted to welcome close to 100 OGs over the weekend including a number from the class of ’91 who we gather enjoyed a rather fluid evening on Saturday! Particular thanks go to Reverend Atkins and the Grove musicians who put together a poignant service of remembrance and thanks too to the convenors of the very competitive Old Grovian sports teams!


OGA London Reunion September 2019
Another convivial evening at Doggetts Coat and Badge on the Thames. Great to see many of the “usual suspects” in attendance along with some first time attenders, in several cases rallied by Gbenga Rotimi. Star of the evening was Geoffrey Newton who enthralled the gathering with his recollections of Grove life before and during the Second World War, including Royal visits and what were likely ration breaking celebrations when Dr Towlson (and thus the School) were elected into HMC membership.  Thanks to all who attended – an awesome “cross generational” event!

Towards the end of June, we host our annual Old Grovians Summer Reunion and Family Funday.

This reunion has evolved over the years into a much-loved family event where Old Grovians join with staff, current pupils and their families to enjoy a glorious weekend packed with cricket, tennis, children’s entertainment and music. Set in the beautiful grounds of Woodhouse Grove, this is a wonderful celebration to close the Academic Year.

Leeds Drinks – June 2019

Brainchild of the current OGA Chair, Faye Hutchinson, Thursday 13th June saw the hosting of the inaugural Leeds Reunion Drinks at the Lamb and Flag in Leeds.

Despite the relentless downpour, it was a lovely evening and a great chance for some reconnections both old and new!


WGS Foundation Golf Day – May 2019

We were delighted to welcome 11 four balls to Headingley Golf Club on Friday 17th May.  The weather held out and the introduction of a Halfway House proved a popular addition to the day.  A more informal evening format was introduced where attendees were invited to a roast sandwich and buffet followed by a healthy putting competition which raised some much needed funds and garnered the worthy winner a healthy magnum of Champagne!  Well done to current parent Tim Liptrott and his team who were worthy winners and walked away with the top prize and a winning score of 95 and to Alistair Davison who was the winner of the putting competition.

Manchester and Cheshire Reunion – April 2019

Tuesday 30 April 2019 saw the 87th Manchester and Cheshire reunion held at the Malmaison Hotel just a few yards from Piccadilly Station.  Amongst the group seated around the table were contributors both past and present to Xaipete and a few had brought along some fascinating documents and photographs dating back several decades.  Plenty of stories were told, reminiscences shared, and the current OGA chair, Faye Hutchinson, spoke sincerely about the ongoing importance of keeping our connections going.  James Lockwood gave an informative update on the current status of both the School and the national perspective.  Roger Howard then spoke about the ongoing work of the Foundation.  The date is already confirmed for 2020 so get Tuesday 28th April into your diaries!



Click here to see our 2018 Events & Reunions.