Life at The Grove Videos | Woodhouse Grove School
Full School Open Morning
Saturday 21st September 9am - 12noon

From Nursery to Sixth Form – discover what it means to be Grovian at our full school Open Morning.


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Hear it like it is...

We are now taking applications for September 2025 entry. If you are thinking about Woodhouse Grove School, why not listen as our staff, parents and pupils offer their take on what Life at The Grove is really like...

The Grove – A Place To Flourish

Pupils, staff and parents talk about what it means to be part of the Grove community.

Parent Testimonials

Our parents make up a vital part of the Woodhouse Grove community. Hear what they have to say on what the Grove has offered their family.

Pastoral Care

I am understood

The success of a school and its pupils is rooted in the quality of its pastoral care. We offer our pupils the support they need to flourish and grow – both during their time at the Grove and also as they move forward into the world beyond our school gates.

Academic Strength

I am the best of me

We are often asked, “Are you an academic school?” The answer is: Yes we are! We are both academically ambitious and academically sensitive, unlocking the potential of  each individual. We want our pupils to believe there is no glass ceiling to their academic attainment.

Grove Co-curricular

I am my unlocked potential

The Grove is well known for its unparalleled co-curricular offering. We ensure that every student, whatever their interest, experience or ability, is offered a myriad of co-curricular opportunities, uncovering and nurturing talent, developing soft skills – and having a lot of fun on the way.

Joining The Grove

I am prepared

The move into Year 7 can be a nerve-wracking time for pupils and parents. At the Grove, we try to make this shift as easy and seamless as possible. Some of our Year 7s and their parents talk about their experiences.


I am an individual, yet part of something incredible

Having a Boarding community adds so much to school life – and boarding here is the perfect way to make the most of everything the Grove has to offer.


I am Grovian.

We hope you have enjoyed these insights into Life at The Grove.

We are now taking applications for September 2024 entry. If you think Woodhouse Grove might be the school for you, please come and visit us at one of our Open Mornings or fill in an Application Form.