Safeguarding at Woodhouse Grove | Woodhouse Grove School
Full School Open Morning
Saturday 21st September 9am - 12noon

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Safeguarding at Woodhouse Grove

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Safeguarding at Woodhouse Grove

Woodhouse Grove School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment. The Governing Body and staff of Woodhouse Grove and Brontë House School take as our first priority the responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of our pupils, to minimise risk and to work together with other agencies to ensure rigorous arrangements are in place within our school to identify, assess and support those children who are suffering harm and to keep them safe and secure whilst in our care. The Wellbeing and happiness of our entire community is central to all that we do.

What is Safeguarding?

    Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children means:


  • Providing help and support to meet the needs of children as soon as problems emerge
  • Protecting children from maltreatment, whether that is within or outside the home, including online
  • Preventing the impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development
  • Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes

Some children have an increased risk of abuse, and additional barriers can exist for some children with respect to recognising or disclosing it. We are committed to anti-discriminatory practice and recognise children’s diverse circumstances. We ensure that all children have the same protection, regardless of any barriers they may face.

Students are taught how to seek support if needed, including avenues such as talking to a trusted adult or speaking to a member of the Safeguarding Team.

We take our ​responsibility for educating our young people very seriously.

Our PSHEE programme delivers content that is vital in ensuring our students are taught about many aspects of keeping themselves safe. Areas such as Online Safety, Mental Health and Relationship and Sex Education are covered progressively and appropriately throughout the age groups. This work coupled with activities and discussion in Form Periods all provide opportunity for students to develop their knowledge in a safe environment.

What we do?

We have an experienced team of Designated Safeguarding Staff who work collaboratively to pick up on any concerns raised. The Designated Staff meet regularly to discuss any concerns and look for patterns or trends of concern.

This group along with regular meetings of Heads of Year and our Welfare Committee ensure conversation regarding safeguarding and wellbeing are omnipresent.

Our Governing Body have oversight of all matters of a Safeguarding Nature and receive reports from the DSL at each board meeting. Additionally, our Designated Safeguarding Governor sits on the Safeguarding Committee and had regular communication with the DSL.  All of this ensures our policies and procedures are scrutinised and kept in line with statutory requirements.

Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is available on the website and is reviewed in line with statutory requirements. Coupled with this we take our responsibility for Safer Recruitment seriously and colleagues involved in the recruitment of staff are fully trained.

Safeguarding Contacts - Senior School


Safeguarding Contacts - Junior School


How do we educate our students to keep themselves safe?

We take our ​responsibility for educating our young people very seriously. Our PSHEE programme delivers content that is vital in ensuring our students are taught about many aspects of keeping themselves safe. Areas such as Online Safety, Mental Health and Relationship and Sex Education are covered progressively and appropriately throughout the age groups. This work coupled with activities and discussion in Form Periods all provide opportunity for students to develop their knowledge in a safe environment.


Students are taught how to seek support if needed, including avenues such as talking to a trusted adult, speaking to a member of the Safeguarding Team, using the Pastoral Alert Button on FireFly, or making use of recognised national helplines and websites such as the NSPCC or Childline. Pupils also have access to a support alphabet on our virtual learning platform (FireFly) where they can visit vetted websites offering support, guidance and advice on topics or problems they might be facing.


July 22
North East Counter Terrorism Policing Unit have put together the following  information to help you spot any signs of radicalisation of young people. While the risk of radicalisation remains low, extra time online during the holidays may increase the chances of young people coming into contact with people who may wish to draw them into extremism.

Counter Terrorism Policing North East Prevent safeguarding letter | Woodhouse Grove School

Feb 23

Letter to parents from Headmaster regarding Andrew Tate

03.02.23 Letter to Parents re Andrew Tate