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The Grove
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Senior Management Team | |
James Lockwood | Headmaster |
Emma Nulty | Senior Deputy Head, Business Studies |
Ed Wright | Deputy Head (Academic), Mathematics |
Anthony Cadman | Deputy Head (Pastoral), Physical Education |
Kevin Eaglestone | Assistant Head (Organisation), Mathematics |
Dan King | Assistant Head (Boarding and Compliance), Physical Education |
Vicky Limbert | Assistant Head (Staff Development), English |
Chris Softley | Assistant Head (Sixth Form & Futures), Physical Education |
Key Personnel
Key Personnel | |
Vanessa Bates | Finance & Operations Director |
Sam Cadman | Director of Marketing and Commerce |
Kirsty Fleming | PA to the Headmaster and Senior Leadership Team |
Katherine Hainsworth | Finance Manager |
Hannah Boggie | Events, Lettings & Operations Manager |
Shiela Bano | HR Manager |
Jo Amos | Admissions Manager |
Dianne Tanner | Office Manager |
Sally Russ | Credit Controller |
Teaching staff
Teaching Staff | |
James Allison | Head of Design Technology |
Nathan Barr | Head of PE and Games |
Alexandra Barron | Head of Year 7, Modern Foreign Languages |
Edward Bean | Co-Head of Science |
James Birkett | Design Technology |
Joe Bedford | PE, Games and Head of Rugby |
Cate Blake | Head of Year (Sixth Form - Inclusion and Wellbeing (Non-Teaching) |
Grace Bond | Modern Foreign Languages |
Nicola Bradburne | Head of Girls' Boarding, Sports Coach |
Anthony Cadman | Deputy Head (Pastoral), Designated Safeguarding Lead, PE and Games |
Gemma Callow | Outdoor Education Coordinator |
Birgit Carey | Language Assistant |
Patsy Charlton* | Art |
Dan Cliffe | Chemistry |
Katy Curtis | Head of Academic PE, PE & Games |
Matthew Dawson | History |
Sarah Dawson | Mathematics |
Matthew Dobson | PE & Games, Mathematics, Head of Boys' Boarding |
Rob Drost | Chaplain, PSHE, Boarding Tutor |
Lucy Dudley | Psychology, PE & Games |
Kevin Eaglestone | Assistant Head (Organisation), Mathematics |
Natasha Eames | Pastoral Lead |
Jane Edgar | Physics Coordinator |
Kate England | Chemistry Coordinator |
Laura Evers | English, Media Studies, Drama, Boarding Tutor |
Tom Exeter | Head of Vinter House, Science |
Ivan Fernandez | Teacher of Drama,Spanish Language Assistant |
Richard Firbank | Head of History |
Helen Fisher | Psychology |
Chris Garbutt | Data & Progress Coordinator, Biology, Chemistry |
Mark Gill | Computing, Head of Towlson |
Katy Goodwin-Bates* | English |
Megan Green | English |
Sarah Habergham | Head of Drama |
Samantha Harder | Science, Head of Findlay House |
Tom Hicks | PE, Games, Head of Athletics, Boarding Tutor |
Emma Hodson | Modern Foreign Languages |
Lucy Holloway | Head of Philosophy and RS |
Callum Hosty | Pastoral Lead |
Roger Howard* | Rugby Coach |
Laura Hughes | Stretch & Challenge Coordinator, English |
Anna Ingham | Head of Teaching and Learning |
Chris Jackson | Learning Support, Games, PSHCE, Head of Stephenson House |
Claire Jemmett | English, Assistant Head of Learning Support |
Andrew Jennings | Religious Studies and Philosophy |
Kerren Jennings | Head of Year 8, PE and Games |
Anna Jones | Music |
Matthew Keegan | English |
Anna Kerr | Head of Mathematics and Computing |
Dan King | Assistant Head (Boarding and Compliance) |
Peter Lambert* | International Coordinator and Community Liaison Officer |
Helen Mitchell | Head of Modern Foreign Languages |
Vicky Limbert | Assistant Head (Staff Development), English |
James Lockwood | Headmaster |
Oliver Mantle | Business Studies, Head of Year 10 |
Lorne McNeill | Economics and Business |
Philip Moffat | Head of Year 11, Geography |
Beth Monk | Head of Learning Support and EAL, English |
Jade Myers | Boarding Tutor, Graduate Sports Coach |
Christopher Norris | Mathematics and Science |
Emma Nulty | Senior Deputy Head, Business |
Lisa Oakley | Head of English and Media Studies |
Megan Owen | Modern Foreign Languages, Head of Atkinson |
Rhia Page | French |
Caroline Pearce | PE, Games, Geography |
Gurman Randhawa | PE, Games, Head of Cricket |
Laura Richardson | Co-Head of Science |
Adam Ridley | Pastoral Lead |
Jonathan Robb | RS and Philosophy |
Jangheir Shah | Chemistry |
Rebecca Sharpe* | English |
Donna Shoesmith-Evans* | History, Politics, Lead Practitioner - Teacher Training |
Kelly Simpson | Head of Art and Design |
Dawn Smith | Design Technology |
Lauren Smith | Modern Languages |
Chris Softley | Assistant Head (Sixth Form & Futures), Physical Education and Games |
Claire Spencer | Business Studies, Economics, Community Service |
Harriet Spiller | Art |
Viv Strachan | Learning Support, EAL and English |
David Sugden | Head of Year 9, Mathematics |
Jay Sunley | Performing Arts & Theatre Technician |
Owen Tennant | Mathematics Teacher & Boarding Tutor |
Lauren Tate | Learning Support Assistant |
Georgie Thompson | PE and Games, Head of Netball |
Rebecca Vernon | Head of Wellbeing & PSHEE, PE and Games |
Thomas Walker | Mathematics, 2nd in charge of Mathematics |
Rebecca Warner | History, Politics |
Louise Watmough | Head of Southerns House, Head of Business Studies & Economics |
Ruth Wickens | Head of Geography |
Ben Wilson | Head of Music |
Poppy Winks | Senior Boarding Tutor and Library Assistant |
Ed Wright | Deputy Headmaster (Academic), Mathematics |
Mark Yam | Science |
Support staff
Support Staff | |
Aliese Oxenham | Lead School Nurse |
Alison Sturrs | Healthcare Assistant |
Amy Snow | HR Officer |
Beth Peat | Digital Marketing Assistant |
Callum Young | Art Technician |
Claire Brennan | Pathways & Progressions Co-ordinator |
Diane Tanner, Lucy Fletcher, Lindsay Holmes, Joanne Dolan | School Office/ Sports Centre Reception |
Diane Tanner | Office Manager and Health & Safety Manager |
Dr Andrew Wright & Partners (Yeadon HC) | Medical Officer |
Eve Corry | Development Officer |
Franco Caroleo | Catering Manager |
Gemma Keech | Finance Assistant |
Hannah Boggie | Lettings, Events & Operations Manager |
Jane Norris | Examination Officer |
Janet Westmoreland | Cleaning Supervisor |
Jayne Abson | HR Officer |
Jo Amos | Admissions Manager |
Jo Wood | Admin Support & Boarding Transport |
Jonathan Nield | IT Network and Support Assistant |
Katherine Hainsworth | Finance Manager |
Kirsty Fleming | PA to the Headmaster, SLT & Secretary to the Governors |
Lindsey McManus | Senior Marketing Assistant |
Michelle Griggs | School Nurse |
Michelle Howard | Sustainability & Energy Officer |
Mike Thompson | Information & Media Manager / Data Protection Lead |
Phil Atkin | Network Manager |
Philip Dixon, Mohammed Jamil, Katie Bastin | Laboratory Technicians |
Poppy Winks | Senior Boarding Tutor, Assistant Librarian |
Rebecca Munro | Marketing Assistant, Boarding Tutor |
Roger Howard | Rugby Coach |
Sally Russ | Credit Controller |
Sam Cadman | Director of Marketing and Commerce |
Sarah Scargill | Admissions Assistant |
Sarah Hall | Events and Lettings Assistant |
Sarah Lockwood | Admissions Administrator |
Shiela Bano | HR Manager |
Shirley Crawford | Miller Girls Boarding House Assistant |
Simon Warren | DT Technician |
Simon Wood | Senior Groundsman |
Vanessa Bates | Finance & Operations Director |
Vani Midgley | Marketing Assistant |
David Howcroft | Retail Supervisor |