Alongside the many opportunities we offer within school, we also give our pupils the chance to explore, experience and learn from the world around them.
Academic excursions include a Geography trip to Iceland and the ever popular – and very moving – History Battlefields Tour to France and Belgium.
The school runs a variety of trips and tours including; ski trips, music tours, awe & wonder adventures and our sports teams enjoy a multitude of tours both within the UK and beyond - with the Netball and Cricket Tours being a real highlight for our older pupils.
Closer to home, we encourage students to get involved with our local community. It is a pleasure to see them grow as individuals as they help others – a true testament to the importance of education being about more than just the classroom.
Our involvement with the Duke of Edinburgh Award is one way we help our students to grow through learning new skills, volunteering and preparing for their expedition.
Duke of Edinburgh Awards at Woodhouse Grove
DownloadPlease note that if your child is eligible for a trip you will receive an invitation through EVOLVE when they are released.
Sign up and payment for all trips is done through EVOLVE.
Whilst we appreciate there may be lots of questions about trips as we re-start our programme, we kindly ask for you to wait until the invitation has been sent before getting in touch.
We are seeing a large demand for any trips that are released and many do have a limited amount of spaces available. We would therefore encourage parents to talk through trips that may be of interest to pupils now, so that a decision can be made fairly quickly when the trip is released.
Trips Framework
DownloadSchool Trips Terms & Conditions