Giving | Woodhouse Grove School

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Every gift matters and with your help we can build an even better future for all our Grovians. Your help and support is invaluable and without it, we would not be able to assist the growing numbers of pupils who would not otherwise be able to enjoy a Woodhouse Grove education along with improvements to and development of our facilities.

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Our Legacy Campaign


Partnership with Not Just Travel


The Foundation is a Charitable Trust formed and run by the School for the purpose of organising and coordinating our fundraising and development work.  This includes facilitating the effective functioning of the Old Grovian Association. As a Trust, it is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) developed by the Headmaster and Governors and overseen by an appointed group of Trustees.

Though in its infancy the Foundation is seeking to enhance existing fundraising structures and develop relationships to broaden knowledge of the School’s immediate plans and longer-term vision.  As a dynamic and forward-thinking establishment, constantly adapting to meet the challenges of educating young people in the 21st Century, we are anxious to retain our distinctive values and ethos while responding to the demands and requirements of the modern world.

In this sense of heritage and continuity it is to our Alumni and wider group of friends that we shall be seeking to raise levels of awareness. While our most immediate focus is to the requirements for bursary funding, we shall remain constantly receptive of giving to specific School projects towards which potential donors might feel a particular affinity or passion.

Registered Charity Number 1176406