IT issues in school - Parent Communication | Woodhouse Grove School

Information distributed this way as usual email method of communication not functioning, you may also receive this communication through Firefly. 

Dear Parents,  

Following a fairly smooth transition to remote learning last week, we have been thrown something of a curve ball; a power outage has created IT issues on the school site which have affected local network access and our servers.  Teaching staff have no access to their resources on the school network and this means that they may be having to change their lesson plans. However, having asked teachers to work from home tomorrow, we are hopeful that normal timetabled lessons will be able to run via Teams and Firefly and so this should have a limited impact on those students who are learning remotely. 

The School will be open as normal for those vulnerable children and the children of critical workers who have registered to attend; we will adapt our provision as necessary in light of the IT challenges 

Our IT team are working hard to find solutions and we hope the issues will be resolved in the coming days. 

Thank you for your continued support 

Yours Sincerely 

Mrs E Nulty 

Deputy Head