Helping children become more independent and responsible for their learning.
When our children enter Year 3 at age seven, they have already mastered many of the skills they need to be effective learners. In Key Stage 2, we help children to become more independent and take more responsibility for their learning. We expect them to be able to organise their own resources and equipment and follow class and homework timetables. Homework is set every night, encouraging good study habits from an early age.
We offer a wider range of co-curricular activities which include sporting, musical and more academic options.
The children are taught in small classes averaging 20 pupils and in smaller sets or groups as appropriate.
Maths is set according to ability, enabling children to progress at an appropriate rate. As children progress through Key Stage 2, they will increasingly be taught by specialist teachers, particularly in science, art, music and games. By the time children reach Year 6 they will be quite accustomed to moving around the school for different lessons taught by different teachers. This is good preparation for secondary school life enabling them to move seamlessly on to Woodhouse Grove.
All children have the chance to attend a residential trip each year and there are many day trips to reinforce the work that is done in the classroom. As the children progress through the school, we give them greater responsibility and opportunities for leadership. These leadership opportunities include: House Captains, Head and Deputy Head Prefects, Sports Captains, Orchestra Leaders and Librarians.
All children have the opportunity to represent Brontë House in our school sports teams and to participate in the many musical opportunities we offer. By the time children reach the end of Year 6 they will all have performed on stage several times and will have represented our school in sport on a number of occasions. They will also have had the opportunity to support younger pupils through our “buddies” system and many will have had leadership responsibilities. All our pupils will have gained the skills, knowledge, self-confidence and self-discipline to move on to the exciting challenges which lie ahead.