Scholarships & Bursaries | Woodhouse Grove School

Bursaries, Scholarships and Allowances

The main form of financial support for children attending Woodhouse Grove School is in the form of means-tested bursary (not offered at Brontё House). Bursaries can be applied for once the full admissions process has been undertaken and a place has been offered. To apply for a bursary a Bursary Application form must be completed (available from the Admissions Manager).

The level of any award will reflect the parental net resources and where the demand for awards exceeds funds available then a final decision can also be influenced by the general contribution a pupil can and will make to the school.

Bursaries have to be applied for on annual basis so that account can be taken to any material changes in circumstances.
For families in membership of a Methodist Church, means-tested bursaries are also available via a fund administered by the Board of Management of Methodist Schools.

Sixth Form Academic scholarships are awarded following an interview; these are subject to actual GCSE grades.

There are a limited number of Headmaster’s scholarships are awarded annually to exceptional candidates entering the school.

These are awarded as a discount on the full boarding or day fees. These awards can also be supplemented by a means tested bursary should the financial circumstances of the family necessitate it.

Academic Scholarships and Headmaster's Awards for Year 7 places are awarded on the results of the entrance examination, a pupil interview and a report from the applicant’s current school. Families cannot apply for scholarships or awards.

Scholarship awards are fixed at the same level throughout a pupil’s career at Woodhouse Grove but are subject to the scholar maintaining a satisfactory level of work, behaviour and academic progress.



A sibling allowance of 10% is applied as a discount to the eldest child's annual fees when a family have 3 children on role at the school. A 10% discount would then be applied to any subsequent children of the same family joining the school. No allowance is awarded for families with 2 children in the school.

The Forces Allowance is a small additional award available to parents in the armed services that contributes towards the difference between the MOD allowance, the School Fee and the Minimum Parental Contribution required by the armed services.

For further details of any of the financial support available please contact the Headmaster or Finance Director.