Y13 2021 Leavers | Woodhouse Grove School

When will my last day be?

Owing to the assessment timetables having a different end date for nearly all students and there not being a form of study leave this year, students will be expected to be in timetabled classes until their last assessment. For many, this will fall at different points during the week commencing 7th June, but all assessments will be completed by Friday 11th June. However, there may be some students required to attend school for any ‘catch up’ assessments on Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th June, if, for example, there was a short covid-bubble collapse.

Preparing for Life after The Grove?

To help students prepare for Life after The Grove, we are going to hold a series of webinars that will be made available to support students in their post-18 transition.

There will be two webinars released online per week with the first being released on Tuesday 15th June. The final webinar will be released on Thursday 1st July. All webinars will be made available through a specific link sent out prior to the webinars starting and they will be available to watch after the allotted time in case students miss them.

Tuesday 15th June - 14:00The ‘ins and outs’ of living away from home.
Thursday 17th June – 18:00 The importance of sleep!
Tuesday 22nd June – 14:00What to expect in the first few weeks of an apprenticeship/university degree.
Thursday 24th June – 18:00The process of applying for jobs post-university.
Tuesday 29th June – 14:00What can I do to keep developing myself whilst at university, on an apprenticeship or on a Gap Year?
Thursday 1st July – 18:00Being part of the Old Grovian Community.

Time to celebrate…

We are delighted to invite all Year 13 Leavers and their parents to join us for our 2021 Leavers’ Celebration.

Prize Giving will commence at 1.30pm in the Sports Hall Marquee.
This will be followed by a drinks reception.

The bars will be open from 3pm and live entertainment will be held on an outdoor stage throughout the afternoon.

A variety of hot street food will be available from 4pm to all guests.
Bars will close at 6.30pm.

Dress code to be confirmed.

This will be a ticket only event and we ask that you book your tickets by Friday 28th May through the link below.
Each Year 13 student will be able to book 2 guest tickets for their parents/guardian.

Click here to book your tickets 

This event will run according to Government guidelines at the time.  The school may have to change, amend or cancel the event should restrictions prevent the number of people attending or the type of event being held.

Invitation to Leavers' Celebration & Prize Giving


Book Leavers' Celebration tickets now...
