National Careers Week 2025 – Supporting Futures
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We are delighted to announce this year’s Head Prefects, Callum Hyland Dugbo and Lucy Lund.
We asked them a few questions about their time at The Grove so far and how they feel about being appointed Head Prefects…
When did you join the Grove?
Lucy: I started in Year 7.
Callum: I started halfway through Year 6 at Brontë House, so I had a few months to get to know the school and everybody so that made the transition to Woodhouse a lot easier.
What are you both studying for A Level?
Lucy: I’m doing French, Geography and Music.
Callum: I do Biology, Chemistry and Geography.
What co-curricular activities have you enjoyed at the Grove?
Lucy: My favourite thing is probably netball and the music.
Callum: I’d say football, rugby and athletics. For me, they’re the best.
What would you like to do when you leave the Grove?
Callum: I want to go to university. I’m not 100% sure what I want to study yet, but obviously, I want to do something to do with my A-levels. I want to carry on playing rugby because I think that’s an important part of my life. So, yes, just carry on the sport.
Lucy: I’m thinking of taking a year out, I need a break from school. Then I’m thinking of doing a management degree to have a broad degree to do anything with. I also really want to carry on with sports and music as well.
What is the most important thing the Grove has taught you?
Callum: I’d probably say values in life like leadership roles, how to work as a team and how to be part of a community.
Lucy: I agree, I think the community spirit here is really strong. Morals and just teamwork in general.
What are you most looking forward to in your role as Head Prefect?
Callum: I probably say being a role model to the younger students because I think they look up to us, even when we walk into assembly everyone can see you and when you’re walking around school. So I think being a role model to the younger students is really cool.
Lucy: I agree being a role model and trying to make a difference and do something the Head Boy and Head Girl haven’t done before.
Is there anything you want to achieve in your role as Head Prefect?
Callum: I want my speeches to be good. I want everyone to remember my speeches. I want them to be professional but also clear… and funny. I want them to be a little bit funny! I also want to be known as a good role model to the younger students and someone to look up to.
Lucy: I’m the same, I want to be a good role model and when speaking I want our speeches to be remembered.
Was being Head prefect something you always wanted or is this a happy surprise?
Callum: I’d say it is something that I always wanted because I always liked leadership and to be part of the team so to be Head of all the prefects, I would’ve been happy with any of the roles but being head prefect is extra special. I think because in primary school, because I moved schools I didn’t get the chance to be head prefect, this is just perfect.
Lucy: I definitely aspired to be head prefect as well, I would’ve been happy with anything but I quite like the leadership roles and trying to make a difference.
What advice would you give to the new Year 7’s who are just starting their time at The Grove?
Callum: I’d say to take part in any activities as possible and just talk to as many people as possible because the more people you talk the easier it gets for literally anything you do. Also, try every co-curricular activity because then you get to meet more people and you fit a lot better into the community.
Lucy: I agree I think just talking to everyone and just trying to enjoy yourself. The lower years are there to make new friends and try new things.
What is your favourite school dinner?
Lucy: Good question
Callum: I would say chicken stir-fry.
Lucy: I was going to say that as well. Also, the roast dinner at Christmas is really good.
Marketing: Stir fry was also last year’s Head Prefect’s favourite lunch.
Lucy: That makes sense, it’s a firm favourite.
Lucy your Dad and your brother came to Woodhouse Grove, Callum your brother did too. What did your family say when you told them you were Head Prefect?
Lucy: Aw, Dad was really happy. Signing the colours book and stuff he was like “Try to find my name” and things like that, so he’s really happy.
Callum: When I applied for the role my brother told me that I have to try and get it so not that there was pressure… but when I told him I got it obviously he was really happy.