On Saturday we took 3 teams to the England Netball National Schools County round to compete in the U19, U16 and U14s categories.  This is the first round of Nationals and it is always a highly competitive day with games lasting just 7 minutes each way; there is high intensity from the very first whistle.   The stakes are high and with just 2 teams going through to the next round every second of play is crucial.

The U19s played 3 games against local schools who they had already faced this season, this can often be more of a curse than a blessing, but they came out on top of the group despite a close encounter with Greenhead College.

In the U14 category there were 6 schools entered into the round, the Grove team dominated in 4 of their matches and it went to the buzzer in a highly fought game against Wakefield Girls High – with the Grove taking the win 10-9.

The U16s took to the court in the afternoon in the largest field of the day. The team had only faced 1 of the 5 teams previously this season, but with many of them playing club or pathways programmes together they knew the competition was fierce. The team delivered a great performance across the afternoon and ended the group on top.

Congratulations to all the players and coaches along with all the parents who were there in force to show their support.

In a first for the school, we go through to the next round as winners in every category after an unbeaten day for the Grove!

I am an individual, yet I am part of something incredible.

I am Grovian.