School Prefects are selected based on their contribution to the school and their ability to be true ambassadors of Woodhouse Grove. And none more so than our Senior Prefect team.

2018-19 prefects CJ, Imo, Alex close up

This year, our Senior Prefect team is structured a little differently. We are delighted to announce that our Head Prefect for 2018/19 is Charlotte (CJ) Proctor, who will be supported by two Deputy Head Prefects; Imogen (Imo) Amos and Alex Dalton.

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CJ became a Grovian at the tender age of 3 in Ashdown Lodge. She is studying Chemistry, Biology and Geography at A Level and is considering Dentistry as a career. She would also love to get involved with some voluntary work overseas. In her spare time, CJ enjoys dancing, singing and musical theatre and also plays the saxophone. At the Grove, she is a keen netballer and enjoyed the 2018 Netball Tour to New York and the Caribbean – where she played alongside best friend Imo…

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Imo also joined the Grove in Ashdown Lodge and has been a committed and enthusiastic Grovian ever since. Imo is studying Geography, Politics and English Literature but her true passion lies on the stage. A multi-award winning dancer, Imo plans to study Performing Arts once she leaves the Grove and her ambition is to perform on stages across the world.

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Alex joined us in Year 7 and has gone from strength to strength ever since. Taking Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics A Levels, Alex hopes to study Natural Sciences at Cambridge. A highly accomplished musician, Alex plays the clarinet and the saxophone and is a member of the Leeds Youth Orchestra and the Leeds Youth Wind Orchestra.

When they leave the Grove, all 3 members of our Head Prefect team would like to be remembered as people who look out for and support others – an ambition worthy of their new roles. These are Grovians who have never hesitated to give their all, who have approached all aspects of Grove life with enthusiasm and good humour and made the most of every opportunity the school has offered them to be the very best of themselves. We are certain that they will be inspirational role models to our younger pupils and wish them all the very best for the coming year.