Y11 to Y12 Enrichment...Set Your Own Path | Woodhouse Grove School
Full School Open Morning
Saturday 21st September 9am - 12noon

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Y11 to Y12 Enrichment...Set Your Own Path

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Our Year 11 to Year 12 Enrichment Programme will be offered to students once the summer examinations have finished.

The Enrichment Programme will start on Monday 26th June and will conclude on Friday 30th June at 14:00 and will be delivered as 1 hour 50 minute workshops in school.

The timetable for the ‘Enrichment Programme’ can be downloaded and viewed below.

Here is the timetable.......


Set Your Own Path – the main areas of the Programme are detailed below:

  • A structured timetable of workshops, delivered face-to-face in school,  covering every qualification offered in The Sixth Form at The Grove.
  • Specific Enrichment Programme to help develop key knowledge and understanding for studying A-level/Level 3 courses.
  • The chance to access early support and guidance on careers and future Pathways.
  • Access to specialist teachers for subject-specific support and guidance.
  • An opportunity for you to find out more about the subjects that you would like to study post-16 (4-6 subjects).
  • Gain early experience of Sixth Form learning, whilst getting to know your courses and teachers.

How will the Enrichment Programme work?

  • Students will sign up to the different workshops that they would like to attend by completing the following form:
    Y11 to Y12 Enrichment Programme – Subject Sign-up Form.
  • Once signed up, students will arrive in school and go straight to the room where their workshop is being delivered.
  • Students should wear smart business wear (same as Sixth Form Taster Day).
  • Students should bring a device, pen and paper.
  • Students who are in school after a morning session, or in for an afternoon session, can have lunch in the dining hall.
  • If in school and not in a workshop (e.g. after lunch or between workshops), students will be based in the Sixth Form Centre.

We would advise students to be involved in 4-6 Subject Enrichment Workshops and students are encouraged to attend the Careers, EPQ, DofE and Sports Leaders sessions on top of their specific subject sessions. Additionally, you will notice that some subjects have two workshops. These are repeated workshops to give students more scope to access all the subjects that they are considering for the Sixth Form.

Please can the Subject Sign-up Form be completed by Friday 16th June.

In the long run, this programme should help you feel more confident and prepared when starting in September. It is a great opportunity, enabling you to get ‘ahead of the game’ and prepare yourself for the next stage in your academic journey.

Please let me know if you would like to discuss any of the above in more detail. I hope this provides you with enough time to accommodate the Enrichment Programme in your planning.

I wish you all the best for your GCSE examinations.

Best wishes,

Mr Softley

Director of Sixth Form

Other opportunities available on the programme….

Career Enrichment EPQ

Enrichment Title: How to enhance your 18+ options through undertaking an EPQ and taking part in work experience.

Brief Description: Students will have the opportunity to begin an Extended Project Qualification. Students will learn research techniques, research review, and referencing to enable them to begin their EPQ journey. The sessions will also look at how work experience may be necessary for certain careers and how to go about getting a placement.

Suitable for which subjects: All. EPQ is very useful for interviewed university entry, eg. Oxford/Cambridge.

Career Planning & Partnerships

Enrichment Title: Boost your employability skills and find out about our 6th Form Business Partners

Brief Description: Students will undertake a series of modules on employability skills making use of StartProfile and YourGamePlan. Students will be introduced to our Sixth Form Business Partners and learn how a placement with them may work. They will become secure in using different websites to effectively plan potential career paths.

Suitable for which subjects: All. Especially useful for those students that would like to take part in our Business Partner Programme

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